(Meditation and Dance)
For Trumpet and Piano
Year of composition: 1995
Length: 10′
Instrumentation: Trumpet in C (or Bb) and Piano
November 22th, 1995
Audition Room of the SM La Artística of Chiva (Spain)
Germán García, trumpet; Luis Serrano Alarcón, piano
The piece is divided, as its name indicates, into two principal parts that don’t have relation between them except by the modal writing which is characteristic in the whole piece. The first part (Meditation) is characterised by the juxtaposition of several contrasting sections, all of them with an expressive nature and improvised style. The second part (Dance) is a theme with variations. The 16-measures theme introduces a very simple Doric melody which will be repeated insistently with almost no changes during the movement. On the contrary, the treatment of the harmony, rhythm and agogic is continuosly changed for avoiding the monotony produced by the melodic repetition. The piece is written for C Trumpet although it exists an alternative part in Bb attached to the same printed edition as well.